Greece 2023 Day 1 Prologue

Wednesday June 28th, Aylesham to St. Omer

The Plan

This year the aim is to do a cycle camping tour to Greece. Or rather all the way to Bari in Italy where a ferry will be taken to the island of Corfu for a rendezvous with partners (or not!).

Well here we go again. Another restless nights sleep. I still get nervous and excited before we leave. Like Bingo says “if your not apprehensive about the ride, it’s not worth doing”.

Met Bingo at his, just a nod of the head and we are off, through the lanes to Dover to meet Dave, the first objective is achieved as we rode straight passed the Two Sawyers and The Bell without stopping. We met Dave outside the White Horse but as it was closed we went over the road for a quick beer before boarding the ferry.

We met some fellow bike tourers boarding the ferry: two young lads from Bristol on the way to Istanbul – fair play – one of them on a lovely Thorn tourer. Then another couple from the Netherlands who had just finished a tour of theSouth of England, on their back to

We managed to book a little hotel in St Omer on the ferry, and then had a great 30 odd mile ride to St Omer, following canal tracks and byways. A really enjoyable ride.

Found the little quaint Hotel, with a nice owner, had a quick shower and out for a nice beer and food. Good first day with 50 miles under our belts. Nothing can go wrong.

Profile for the Prologue Stage
Route for the Prologue